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Village of Malta
302 S. 2nd St. Malta Illinois 60150

Tradition of Togetherness
There is a reason why Village of Malta is such a wonderful place to live and visit: the people. No matter their age or background, each individual who calls Village of Malta home is passionate about making it the exceptional Village that it is. Come visit and see so for yourself!

Lions Park Shelter House Rental
Please complete form and submit to the Village of Malta - There is no charge for shelter house use for residents of Malta, a $200.00 security deposit is required for damages and excess cleaning fees for all users. Deposit is returned if there are no issues.
About the shelter house: Inside there are refrigerators and sink/serving area. Sides lift on the building (only open 2 - this is a 2 person job for safety reasons). There are 3 -8' tables and chairs for 20 people. The park restrooms are available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. they are on an automatic locking system.
Please stop by Village Hall to pick up a key during regular business hours if you would like to look inside the building.
Pick up the key prior to rental at Village Hall.
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